Il mondo In Una Classe - Save The Children Campaign (September 2023)

Corriere Della Sera (August 2023)

La Miséricorde est la vraie voie pour évangéliser - for Prier (June 2023)

Les Marché Des Secondes Chances - for Panorama Magazine (March 2023)

Charity Dinner for Save The Children (May 2022)

Portrait of the Italian independent curator and art historian Giuliana Benassi for Artribune, March (May 2022)

Elisa sings for Save The Children in a deserted Coliseum not to forget the children of the war in Syria - Vanity Fair (March 2021)

Famiglia Cristiana (July 2020)

Internazionale a Ferrara 2019, in collaboration with Francesco Alesi and Francesca Leonardi (Oct 2019)

Snapshot Portrait of Giorgio Caponera for IBM Systems Magazine - August 2019

Press release on the flash mob organized by Save The Children for the Stop of Italian weapons in Yemen (July 2019)

Photos of Battistoni Shop in Rome for The Monocle Guide to Shops, Kiosks and Markets (Feb 2019)

Featured on Cherrydeck Editors’ Choice December 2018: Street Photography (Dec 2018)

Internazionale a Ferrara 2018, in collaboration with Francesco Alesi and Francesca Leonardi (Oct 2018)

La Musica Dei Nuovi Italiani Dell’Orchestra di Torpignattara -
(Oct 2017)

Angela Davis (Internazionale a Ferrara 2017) - (Oct 2017)

Internazionale a Ferrara 2017, in collaboration with Francesco Alesi, Francesca Leonardi and Lavinia Parlamenti. (Oct 2017)

Wir Müssen Draußen Bleiben - Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine (Sep 2016)

Top Model, Eugenia Volodina, interview - SNC Magazine (Mar 2016)

What is On The Commuter’s Mind? - Edge Of Humanity Magazine (Aug 2017)

National Geographic (Dec 2016)

Book Cover - Italia Revolution by Christian Caliandro (Oct 2014)

Arch. Renzo Costa - Ville & Casali (Dec 2012)

Outrage Over a Storied Roman Theater’s Future - The New York Times (Jun 2011)
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